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学术报告——Interactive and Parallel Visualization of Large Scale Terrain

日期:2010年06月12日 编辑: 点击:

报告题目:Interactive and Parallel Visualization of Large Scale Terrain

报告人:Prof. Renato Pajarola(University of Zurich, Switzerland)




Efficient visualization of large scale terrain height data or digital elevation models (DEMs) is a core task in a number of application domains such as earth sciences, simulation and training, mapping and navigation, natural resource planing, planetary mapping and exploration etc. In this talk I will present our techniques for real-time and multiresolution rendering of very large scale terrain data. In our approach, adaptive batched level-of-detail (LOD) selection and rendering is done from out-of-core, thus directly accessing and loading data from disk storage on demand. Furthermore, I will show how this approach can efficiently be parallelized, achieving near perfect load-balancing for cluster-parallel rendering large terrain DEMs on multiple distributed graphics nodes.


Renato Pajarola received his Dipl. Inf-Ing ETH and Dr. sc. techn. degrees in computer science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich in 1994 and 1998 respectively. Subsequently he was a post-doctoral researcher and lecturer in the Graphics, Visualization & Usability (GVU) Center at Georgia Tech. In 1999 he joined the the University of California Irvine (UCI) as an Assistant Professor where he founded the Computer Graphics Lab. Since 2005 he has been leading the Visualization and MultiMedia Lab (VMML) at the University of Zurich (UZH) as an Associate Professor in the Department of Informatics. He is a member of ACM, ACM SIGGRAPH, IEEE Computer Society and Eurographics. Dr. Pajarola's research interests include real-time 3D graphics, multiresolution modeling, point based graphics, interactive large-scae scientific visualization, remote and parallel rendering, compression and interactive 3D multimedia. He has published a wide range of internationally peer-reviewed research articles in top journals and conferences. Dr. Pajarola regularly serves on program committees, such as for example the IEEE Visualization Conference (2004-06,09-10), Eurographics (2010), Pacific Graphics (2002-03,07-08), IEEE Pacific Visualization (2008-10) or EuroVis (2001,2006-10). He chaired the 2010 EG Symposium on Parallel Graphics and VIsualization and was papers co-chair of the 2007 and 2008 IEEE/EG Symposium on Point-Based Computer Graphics. Furthermore, he received a Eurographics Best Paper Award (as co-author) in 2005, and an IADIS Best Paper Award in 2007.


