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祝贺苏显渝教授成功担任Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics大会总主席

日期:2010年06月23日 编辑: 点击:

The International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2010) had be held successfully from June 19th to 21st, 2010 in Chengdu, China. Prof. Xianyu Su had successfully serve as General Co-Chair on the meeting. SOPO 2010 brong together top researchers from Asian Pacific areas, North America, Europe and around the world to exchange research results and address open issues in all aspects of Photonics and Optoelectronics


The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE, and the accepted papers will be indexed by Ei Compendex and ISTP.

IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1011H-CDR

ISBN: 978-1-4244-4964-4

Library of Congress: 2009906346

Origanizing Committee

General ChairProf. Chang Liu

Wuhan University, China

Prof. Shouhuan Zhou

Sichuan University, China

General Co-ChairProf. John Marsh

IEEE Photonics Society, UK

Prof. Xianyu Su

Sichuan University, China

TPC ChairProf. David L. Carroll

Wake Forest University, USA

TPC Co-ChairProf. Zhiping Zhou

Peking University, China

Prof. Guoying Feng

Sichuan University, China

Technical Program CommitteeProf. Ping Lu

Communications Research Centre Canada, Canada

Prof. Mahi R. Singh

University of Western Ontario, Canada

Prof. Hong Liu

University of Oklahoma, USA

Dr. Liyue Mu

Applied Harmonics Corp., China

Prof. Qiwang Song

Syracuse University, USA

Prof. Peter C Eklund

Pennsylvania State University, USA

Prof. Dieter Jager

Chair of the German IEEE LEOS Chapter, Germany

Prof. Jianli Wang

Wuhan Research Institute of Post and Telecommunications, China

Prof. Mladen Korbelik

The BC Cancer Research Ctr., Canada

Prof. Karl-Goran Tranberg

Lunds University, Sweden